National / International Trainer's Tips and Quotes
Clinton Anderson
don't have hard mouths they have hard bodies"
"Make the wrong thing difficult and the right
thing easy"
"Exaggerate to teach, refine as you go along"
"Horses are an on going maintenance program"
"If a horse has enough energy and stamina to
do the wrong thing, he has enough energy to do the
right thing"
must go where I say, how I say, and when I say,
because I work many hours to pay your stable fees
and you only have to work one hour a day".
Speaking to the horse on the US Dressage Federation
to popular opinion, the snaffle is the safest bit
to use on a nearly out-of-control horse, assuming
you use it as it's designed" Communicating
With Cues: Part 1, 1998, p.
"I figure that it takes at least two years
to make a good saddle horse. During that time, I
assume that I'm actually riding an unbroke horse."
March 2000, John Lyons' Perfect Horse Magazine
as gentle as a child but as firm as another horse."
"A horse travels in the directions of his hips"